Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Hair!

My friend Ashlee's boyfriend Tony does my hair, and last week when he was over at the apartment he was looking at my hair then asked if i ever thought about going shorter.  Which I had but couldn't really picture it so just kept up the same thing...  But I gave him permission to cut my hair.  So last night we had a little hair party where he did mine and Ashlee's hair.  I really like the way mine turned out!  Here are some pictures so you can get an idea.  I took then real quick at work so I look like a goon.... but enjoy!


Shannon said...

SOOO CUTE! I love the length. it's not super short, just kind of medium length. It looks really fresh and fun. Glad you like it too!

Aimee said...

Very cute hair! You hair styling skills make me jealous. :)

joyous said...

Wow!! It's so cute, I'm a big fan. It still tempts me to try the bangs, but I'm a wimp. Tony did a great job.

Tasha said...

LOVE LOVE LOOOOVVVEEE IT!!!! Love it. Oh, so cute Julianna. SO SO SOOOOO cute. I am sure you will love having it that length too. What a fun haircut :)

sara said...

Very Cute!! Love it.

My experiment blog said...

wow! I love it! I just got my hair cut to. But I havn't taken any pictures yet.

Anonymous said...

I love it so much!! It's so cute!! I'm still to scared to cut mine and I really have no idea what i want to do to it! I need help!!