Monday, February 2, 2009

Mission Calls and Superbowl

Friday Jason got his mission call!!  He was called to the.... wait for it.... Pocatello Idaho Mission!!  hahaha!!  He has been joking about being called there for weeks now so when he read that everyone (especially himself) just started laughing.  He reports to the MTC April 1st and is very excited!  I am excited for him.  I will miss him soo much but I am so proud of his decision to serve a mission.  

Sunday we had a big Superbowl potluck party at Jason's house.  They recored the game that way we could all go to church (mom...) since singles wards start at 1. There was probably about 20-25 people there and everyone brought something so there was a bunch of food!  I had such a stomach ache by the end of the night just from eating all the random food.  blahh.  But it was such a good game and sooo much fun!!  I was sad the Cardinal's lost, they are Jason's favorite football team... and he honestly looked like he wanted to cry when the Steelers got that last touchdown in the final 50 seconds.  haha  oh well.  


joyous said...

Hahaha!!! Poor Jason, those Cardinals came close, but just not close enough. I'm glad you guys had a good time. We're going to miss Jason too. ;)

Shannon said...

I was pretty bummed the Cardinal's lost too. The Steelers were such jerks the whole game. Oh well. I'm so excited for Jason and his mission call. It will be wonderful. Anyway, glad you had a fun weekend! Love you!

jilljohnson said...

I agree I was bummed about the game even though I had this thought in the back of my head the whole time that the Steelers would win.

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the game and was still heartbroken that the Cardinals lost. I read online during the 4th quarter that they were ahead and was so happy and then found out that they lost. . .so sad :-(

I do think it's also ironic that Jason is going to Pocatello, Idaho that he joked about the whole time and then is reporting to the MTC on April Fool's Day. Life can be funny!

Amy said...

I was actually happy that the Steelers won! But it was only because If the Cardinals won the girls on the volly ball team would have to run. But if the Steelers won, then the boys would have to run. Btw, if you don't already know, I play volley ball.

Tasha said...

Congratulations to Jason on his mission call!! That is very exciting. I had a good friend serve in the same mission and he loved it. So, don't be surprised. I bet Jason will love it too :)(Pretty crazy that he was joking he would go there though and then that is where is going. Life can be pretty funny sometimes. :) )